Our Team


Yu Mu, Ph.D.

Principal Investigator

Guixian ZHOU

Lab Manager

I’m Guixian Zhou. I received my Master's degree in agronomy from Shanghai Ocean University in 2020. The main focuses of my previous research are aquatic animal disease and control, including aquatic animal pathogenic microbiology, aquatic environmental microbiology and safe use of fishery drugs. As a new comer to neuroscience field, I’m interested in studying animal behavior using zebrafish as a model. In the new journey of my career, I’m ready to learn from my colleagues, improve my academic performance, and contribute to the lab as a family.


Zhirong WANG

Postdoctoral Associate

Since starting my scientific expedition, I have been cruising through Peking University/NIBS, University of Utah, Rockefeller University/HHMI, Georgetown University; playing with fruit flies, mosquitoes, and mice. At ION, I am embarking on zebrafish research to continue the pursuit of joy and meaning in science.


Graduate Student

My name is Shan Zhao and I am a 2019 student of the ION. In 2015-2019, I majored in bioengineering in Southeast University. After learned about the field of neurobiology, I felt that using the brain to study the brain was a cool thing. So for my thesis, I started project with optogenetics. I found that exploring the neural circuits underlying specific behaviors was very attractive to me. In 2020, I am honored to be the first student in Mu lab. In the next few years, in addition to wanting to gain more professional knowledge, I also hope to be able to build together with everyone who will enter the laboratory a harmonious laboratory atmosphere.


Sijia WANG

Graduate Student

My name is Sijia Wang, and I am a graduate student at the Institute of Neuroscience (ION). I graduated in 2020 from the School of Life Science at Nanjing University. During my undergraduate studies, I participated in two short-term international programs: the China-Russian Baikal International Joint Scientific Investigation through Nanjing University, and the Summer School at Regent’s Park College, Oxford University. My current research interests neuromodulator systems and glial cells. In my spare time, I enjoy running, reading, and practicing calligraphy.

Danyang LI

Graduate Studenti

“Brains empower brains.”

This is Danyang Li, a graduate student of ION.

She got her banchelor degree from the University of Science and Technology of China in 2020.


Postdoctoral Associate

WANG Kui is a Ph.D candidate from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. He received his bachelor’s degree in 2016 from South China Agricultural University and his master's degree in Genetics from the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IGDB, CAS) in 2019. His major research interest is answering basic scientific questions about experience-dependent synaptic modification via developing new in vivo molecular tools.


Xinxin ZHANG

Graduate Student

I’m a joint graduate student of Shanghaitech University and ION in 2020. I majored in life science at Anhui Agricultural University for my bachelor's degree. It is a very interesting question how the brain activity generates behaviors for which produces. I have been interested in how emotions affect people's behavioral decisions, so I want to explore further. After understanding the relevant research of neuroscience, especially the advantages of zebrafish model in the observation of neural circuits and neural activity, I want to keep pursuing this direction. I am very happy to join this lively group, and I hope I can make great discoveries with others in our lab!

Zhiyuan WANG

Graduate Student

Brain, the final frontier.

These are the voyages of graduate Wang Zhi-Yuan.

His five-year mission, to explore strange new fishes, to seek out new phenomena and paradigms.

To boldly go where no one has gone before.

Jingyao HUANG

Graduate Student

Graduated from Fudan University. Majored in Bioscience. Interested with Instruments.

Brain is the physical box accommodating thoughts, and thoughts are the initial point to reform the world. Therefore brain science could be the Babel bridging fundamental nature science with abstract humanities science. Due to the complexity of brains, it may be more wise to utilize easy-controlled, background-clear zebrafish gifted with transparent brain, as the ladder for climbing the tower.

So as I say, brains science is an ambitious subject and zebrafish is the ambitious object and that’s reason I am here to be the ambitious climber.

Happy to be a member of Mulab and work with those amazing people : )

Xiao’ou WANG

Graduate Student

“There are two most attractive problems in the world which deserve human to discover: one is how to understand the universe, while the other one is why we have the ability to understand. I’m trying to answer the second one.”

Xiao’ou got his banchelor degree from School of Physical Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, majoring in optics and optical engineering, and joint ION for his graduate education in 2022.

He has participated in several researches of new optical methods (ex. light-sheet microscopy, stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy, etc.) for brain imaging. Interesting in physical technology and computational neuroscience, he focus on developing new imaging tools and exploring physical models for whole-brain activity in larva fish in our lab.

Heying SHAN

Graduate Student

I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Biology from Nankai University, Tianjin, and am now a graduate student of CEBSIT, ION.

While at NKU, I had an opportunity to do some experiments on rats to investigate PTSD using some electrophysiological recordings on behaving animals. After having a few fun years in Tianjin, I moved to Beijing as an intern student at the Institute of Biophysics, CAS, where I mainly did some research on fruit flies about their learning and memory.

Now here I am, in Shanghai, still trying to have more understanding about our brain. My current interest is in neural circuits and information encoding in the nervous system.

Haowen ZHANG

Graduate Student

My name is Haowen Zhang and I’m currently a student at CEBSIT majoring in neuroscience. I graduated from the College of Computer Science at Nankai University, where I gained skills in programming, machine learning and other areas which might be useful in my upcoming studies.

During my college years, I was impressed with some brilliant works in brain simulation from invited talks regularly held by the college. From these talks, I developed my first interest in computational neuroscience and decided to pursue further education in this direction.

Here at CEBSIT, I’m looking forward to viewing the biological brain through a mathematical lens to gain a better understanding of brain dynamics on different scales. In reaching this goal, I still have much to learn.

Shilin FANG

Research Assistant

This is Fang Shilin, with a keen interest in the natural sciences, and over the past few years, I have been involved in various disciplines such as microbiology, pharmacology, and fish physiology. Now, I find myself drawn to unlocking the mysteries of neuroscience. I am excited about the opportunity to use zebrafish to explore the complexity of the brain and make meaningful contributions to the field of neuroscience.

Yiran LIU

Graduate Student

(Co-supervised with Dr. Kai WANG)

I'm a piano and Debussy lover graduated from HUST, with a biomedical engineering bachelor's degree from school of engineering sciences. Practicing piano is a perfect sensorimotor transformation process——reading notes, pressing and feeling the keys, listening to the rhythm produced, learning and memorizing, state tuning by emotion... Constant practicing makes me realize what a miracle process it is, and I dream of one day discovering the architecture underneath. Currently I'm interested in the switch of behavior(motor) paradigm induced by different cues and conditions. In daily life, when we’re at office, we might be in dedicated, logical or laboring state. When we go to the canteen for launch, we might enter “hunting”, digesting or social state. And when we go home in the evening, we get into entertaining, resting or sleeping state. For many animal species, their survival requires individuals to maximize their chance to stay alive and reproduce, hence they have to possess different sets of useful behavior and allow for flexible transition to cope with the everchanging world. Such as the effect of injury, weakness or negative homeostasis stimuli on the choice of flight or freeze when encountering ambiguous predator stimuli.

Fish behavior can be beyond our imagination! It has been wandering in evolution way longer than us, so don’t underestimate its living wisdom!

Yuting MENG

Graduate Student

(Co-supervised with Dr. Kai WANG)

The things that captivate me the most are the exploration of the world and the discovery of myself, which can be perfectly combined within the field of neuroscience. By digging into animal behavior and the underlying mechanisms, we unravel more about our own nature. From my undergraduate years to the present, curiosity has led me to communicate with C.elegans, fruit flies, and mice, from Huazhong university of science and technology to Institute of biophysics, CAS. I got abundant knowledge from them. Currently, it's the zebrafish that catch my interest. Employing Light Field Microscopy, we can investigate the whole brain activity of zebrafish during free moving behavior. Looking forward to get more insights from the fascinating animal and our amazing technology.


  • Research Assistant

    Xinhu ZHANG (Oxford)

    Hao GAO (Didi)

    Can LIU (UCSF)

    Guangyao QI (Yale)

    Yu QIAN (UT Austin)

    Jiewen HU

    Shuo YANG

  • Intern

    Jiale YIN

    Peihuang TIAN

    Dinglan WANG

    Yan HUANG

    Qing GU

    Peiyu LIU

    Xueying YANG

  • Rotation Students

    Jiawei LIU

    Wenjun LIU

    Haoyun XIAO

    Xinglan LIU

    Qihang WU

    Zi‘an LUO

    Huanghe YE

    Jingze XU

  • Visiting Scholar

    Zhenfei JIAO (Zhong’an Semiconductor)

    Sifan CHEN